Pictures I have taken: Mt. Rogers and The C & O Canal
Vacation Pictures

Atlantic Canada
C & O Canal
Frontier Culture Museum
Glacier National Park
Grand Teton National Park
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland
Mt. Rogers
Yellowstone National Park


There are three parks/forests adjacent to each other: Grayson Highlands State Park, Jefferson National Forest, and Mount Rogers National Recreation Area. The Appalachian Trail and the Virginia Highlands Horse Trail run through all three.

As you will notice, the following pictures are rather short on description. This is what happens when you only write down the trails that you took the pictures on, instead of writing down what the pictures were actually of. We were also going in and out of the state park, the national forest, and the recreation area; so if you see "Grayson Highlands State Park", it might just as easily have been the national forest or the recreation area. Oh well; you can still get an idea of what the area looks like.


The C & O (Chesapeake & Ohio) Canal, which is in Maryland, is a favorite place for joggers, walkers, strollers, bikers, canoers, etc. The Potomac River, which is next to the Canal, is also a favorite with kayakers and rock climbers.

The Canal during the autumn: The Potomac River:
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